• Question: is your job hard?

    Asked by quiz44ear to Min, Katie, Israel, Dheeraj, Aoife on 11 Nov 2019.
    • Photo: Min Yap

      Min Yap answered on 11 Nov 2019:

      Like most jobs, it definitely is hard. But as they say, nothing worth having comes easy!

    • Photo: Aoife McHugh

      Aoife McHugh answered on 11 Nov 2019:

      Some days it can be challenging, but it is also fun. Like any job there are tough days, but the good days outweigh the bad.

    • Photo: Katie Starsmore

      Katie Starsmore answered on 11 Nov 2019:

      Yes some days it definitely is! But at the end of the day I love my job and wouldn’t change it!

    • Photo: Israel Ikoyi

      Israel Ikoyi answered on 11 Nov 2019:

      Yes it could be challenging sometimes but I try to overcome the challenges and try to enjoy it as much as possible
