The best part of my job is getting to learn something new every single day! I love that I am always hearing about new ideas and discoveries. I like to think that everyday I understand a tiny bit more of how the world around me works 🙂
I get to wonder about the world (humans, society, natural world), how we think about the it and how the human race develops (evolves and self-directed evolving into the future – socially and naturally) – I loved science fiction as a kid (well, as an adult too) and this sometimes feels like working close to that – the ‘real world’ is so much more magical than the best story when you really look at it!
I agree completely with what Fiana said! The best part is definitely understanding what I’m researching on more and learning from different scientists the progress we keep on making in the field. But equally, the best part for me is also when my own research experiments work! I live for those ‘YAS IT WORKED’ moments!
Remsha commented on :
I agree completely with what Fiana said! The best part is definitely understanding what I’m researching on more and learning from different scientists the progress we keep on making in the field. But equally, the best part for me is also when my own research experiments work! I live for those ‘YAS IT WORKED’ moments!