Question: When you were younger did you participate in any big science competitions or show's such as the BT Young Scientist and Olympiad's ? I would love to participate in a science competition next year with my science partner :)
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Asked by Éabha Ní M to Fiana on 5 Nov 2018.Question: When you were younger did you participate in any big science competitions or show's such as the BT Young Scientist and Olympiad's ? I would love to participate in a science competition next year with my science partner :)
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Lisa commented on :
I think its great that you are so keen to take part, I would 100% recommend it! I never took part myself and I regret it. I did attend a science summer school in UCD when I was in transition year and I loved it, it really gave me a taste of what it would be like to be a scientist. Entering BT Young Scientist will give you a great chance to meet friends and talk about science… and decide if its something you would like to do in the future! 🙂
Remsha commented on :
OMG go for it! You will get a real feel for science there and its actually super impressive what the students come up with! I finished high school outside of Ireland, but I did take part in a little science/artsy competition between my school and another when I was 13. We were a team of six and decided we would make a replica of a T.rex that moved with batteries hahah. Did not go as planned unfortunately! The judges were confused as to what the thing even was. Good old days!