@matty0506, good question. Do you have a stream beside your house?
You could install a small hydro-electric turbine. This will generate electricity from the water flow. You can use the electricity to power an electric heater.
But do you think it is better to use a gas boiler to heat your house and use the electricity for lighting or other things in your house? Think about it and ask me again if you ant to know the answer…
In general electricity is more valuable than heat as we can use it for many different things, while heat is only used to heat things. This is why electricity is more expensive than heating oil.
So if I had a hydro-electric turbine that generated electricity from a stream beside my house, I would use the electricity for lighting, cooking, running the fridge etc. For heating I would use a solar water heater, a biomass or gas boiler 😉
matty0506 commented on :
cheers, for the answer
Aggelos commented on :
@matty0506, you are welcome.
In general electricity is more valuable than heat as we can use it for many different things, while heat is only used to heat things. This is why electricity is more expensive than heating oil.
So if I had a hydro-electric turbine that generated electricity from a stream beside my house, I would use the electricity for lighting, cooking, running the fridge etc. For heating I would use a solar water heater, a biomass or gas boiler 😉
manemaster commented on :