Asked by niallthenerd to Andrew, Shane, Eileen, Naomi, Aggelos on 9 Nov 2012. This question was also asked by vin13, alexh, alexandrasharykina, charlotteb.
Asked by niallthenerd to Andrew, Shane, Eileen, Naomi, Aggelos on 9 Nov 2012. This question was also asked by vin13, alexh, alexandrasharykina, charlotteb.
niallthenerd commented on :
Oh cool. I would love to go into forensics or teaching but I’m not sure.
Andrew commented on :
hi niallthenerd
forensics is very cool! A very good friend of mine first did a science degree in Biochemistry (studying proteins and how cells work) and then did a Masters degree afterwards in forensics in London. He loved it! There he learned about DNA databases to identify suspects, how to test for the presence of chemicals like drugs or explosives, and how to use insects and plants to work out where someone was or when they died.
Teaching is great fun too. Working in a university is great because I get to teach students that have chosen subjects that they really like so are enthusiastic about learning. Standing up in front of 200 students can be a bit scary at first, but now i really like trying to entertain them with science. Other times I teach people in small groups of maybe 1 or 5 and together we try to work out problems that are really hard!
choose whatever interests you most is my advice, and best of luck with whatever you decide to do
niallthenerd commented on :
I did an 8-week forensics course in DCU a few years ago and I loved it.
Naomi commented on :
Andrew’s right – do whatever interests you the most! But if you are unsure, starting with a general science degree and then narrowing down your subjects as you discover what interests you the most would be a good option. My friend is a forensic scientist – she got to be one by doing a four year science degree and then a master’s in forensics in Strathclyde, in Scotland. I have other friends who became teachers by doing science degrees and then a one year teacher training course. And talking to niallthenerd about the course he did would be useful too 🙂