I came up with a new solar glazing panel that can produce electricity from the sulight and insulate the building at the same time. It was turned into a patent so nobody else can copy the idea and now we are trying to make it into an actual product that you can buy for your house.
Dont you you think it is something that you would want to use for your house?
I’ll answer too, since my names up there…so far, I’ve discovered that flamingos can be used as an ‘indicator’ to determine how polluted their enivonrment is. They live in water, and it can have lots of diseases in it…this is especially important in places where people do not have access to clean drinking water, because the polluted water might end up in their own water source!
I’m not Aggelos but as my name’s up there I’ll answer too 🙂
I’ve discovered that when cancer cells are threatened, like by medicines, after a while some of them are able to switch on a special chemical process that helps them to survive. At the minute I’m trying to discover a way that we can stop that chemical process – the survival pathway – from being switched on so that cancers won’t be able to become resistant to drugs anymore.