The universe was created by the Big Bang (12 billion years ago , i think). since then, the universe has expanded and cooled down. in the early years, the universe was like a hot soup and it was quite small. as it expanded one of the first things to be created were molecules and atoms – only simple ones like Hydrogen though. when there were enough of them, gravity started to pull them together in lumps – the lumps started to get really crammed full and started to react (we call them stars). Stars are like engines where Hydrogen is consumed. Stars in turn produce other elements as consequence of the ‘burning’ that goes on in them. This is where EVERY element in your body, in the planet earth and the rest of the things in the universe come from – we are all made of star exhaust or star dust
The story of the moon is pretty cool. The most likely answer is that a large meteor or comet collided with the Earth and threw up a load of dust and rocks into the atmosphere. These bits then started to clump together which gave them more and more mass and hence other bits were pulled in to join them by gravity. Ultimately this ended up with our very important neighbour circling overhead, and pulling the tides in and out.
They are the result of the “Bing bang” and the force of gravity. The big bang explosion was the start of our Universe. It dispersed huge amounts of matter (dust) which under the force of gravity was pulled together into the space objects that we see today (planets, stars, moons, meteorites etc…).
Everything that is in our universe was created in the BIG BANG!
Its funny though, because this wasn’t actually a really big explosion of fire and light, like lots of people think. At first, the big bang produced something was was very very dense – too dense for there to be light. As it started cooling though (and it began to expand), all sorts of different particles were able to exist. These gave us light, and the chemicals necessary to create objects like stars and planets.