• Question: Is your job difficult?

    Asked by aimee to Naomi, Shane, Andrew, Aggelos on 13 Nov 2012. This question was also asked by siobhan, cocobabes1.
    • Photo: Shane Bergin

      Shane Bergin answered on 13 Nov 2012:

      Yes. but nothing worth doing was ever easy! just like practising musical instruments or training for sports, the more you work at it, the better you are and the easier you find it

    • Photo: Naomi Elster

      Naomi Elster answered on 14 Nov 2012:

      Yes. It’s a lot of work and you definitely have to use your brain a lot more than some other jobs! But the best things in life are generally not the easy things. And the fact that it can be difficult is what makes it so rewarding – nothing beats the feeling when you get the answer you worked so hard for.

      And it’s not always difficult either! Like everything else, it has challenging days and easy days.

    • Photo: Aggelos Zacharopoulos

      Aggelos Zacharopoulos answered on 15 Nov 2012:

      My job is not difficult. When my job is difficult I call it “challenging” 😉

      Basically when I face difficult problems I have to use my skills as a scientist to find the solutions. At the end I have usually achieved something and have learned something new 🙂

    • Photo: Andrew Jackson

      Andrew Jackson answered on 15 Nov 2012:

      To be honest I don’t really notice that its difficult as I like it. I guess the only way to find out is to try yourself if science is something you like too.
