• Question: What are the Jovial or gas planets?

    Asked by justinaz to Aggelos, Andrew, Eileen, Naomi, Shane on 16 Nov 2012.
    • Photo: Andrew Jackson

      Andrew Jackson answered on 16 Nov 2012:

      The gas planets are primarily made of vapours of gas swirling around rather than being made of rock and metals like Earth. The planets Jupiter and Saturn are gas planets and are very large and are mostly gas but with a solid core of rock and metal. Uranus and Nepture are also made mostly of gas, but appear to have an icy core at the middle. Those are just the ones in our solar system, and there are many more such planets orbiting other stars.

    • Photo: Eileen Diskin

      Eileen Diskin answered on 18 Nov 2012:

      Andrew is right – we’ve got 4 of them! And they’re the gassy ones, compared to the terrestrial ones.
