• Question: What chemicals or elements would be used for the 'big bang', if it was the big bang?

    Asked by georgiad123 to Aggelos, Andrew, Eileen, Naomi, Shane on 15 Nov 2012.
    • Photo: Aggelos Zacharopoulos

      Aggelos Zacharopoulos answered on 15 Nov 2012:

      Imagining taking all matter that exists in the universe, applyinng an enormous force and squeezing it into a tiny tiny space as small as the head of a needle and even smaller. Once you stop applying the force all that huge amount of matter will explode and give you the biggest BING BANG you could ever imagine!

      Something like that… No need for fancy chemicasl or explosives 😉

    • Photo: Andrew Jackson

      Andrew Jackson answered on 16 Nov 2012:

      I think aggelos’ answer is great.

      There are several theories about what actually caused the big bang, and the Brane Cosmology theory is my favourite. It suggests that the the big bang was caused by two sheets of energy called branes that crashed into each other with the result being an enormous explosion. I like this idea because i can imagine the energy membrane coming together, kissing (thats how it looks in my head), and then a huge explosion following.

    • Photo: Eileen Diskin

      Eileen Diskin answered on 18 Nov 2012:

      Originally, there weren’t any elements or chemicals in the big bang. These took a while to be produced, because it was just waaaay too hot and dense for them to exist. In fact, in the first little while after the big bang…there wasn’t any light or any colours!

      Thankfully, as the universe began expanding after the big bang – things cooled down, and chemicals and elements were able to form.
