• Question: What do you think is the best renewable engery source???

    Asked by ciaracarroll to Aggelos on 16 Nov 2012.
    • Photo: Aggelos Zacharopoulos

      Aggelos Zacharopoulos answered on 16 Nov 2012:

      I love energy directly from the sun (solar energy) because I can feel it warm on my skin and makes the days bright 🙂 Do you know that all forms of renewable energy are the result of the sun? The wind, the waves, waterfalls even trees and plants (biomass) are the result of the sunlight!

      If you want to choose the best renewable energy for your home you have to look at the resources where you live. How much sun do you get? Maybe you get loads of wind too. Or maybe you live near a farm or a forest and you can get loads of free wood, hedge trimmings even cow dung to use in a biomass burner. Then there is energy from the waves in the sea or from water falls (hydro energy). Aster you find out what renewable energy sources are available you can choose the best technologies to install. Solar panels for electricity and solar water heaters for hot water from the sun. Wind turbines for electricity from wind. Biomass burner for heating from biomass. Hydroelectric for electricity from water.
