honey badgers are cool animals. They are similar animals to the weasels, stoats and badgers. They are very aggressive and eat just about anything including plants, insects, frogs, mice, birds and of course, honey. One very clever way they find food is to follow a bird call the Honey Guide. This birds loves honey, but it cant open up a hive on its own. The honey guide find a honey badger (and also humans that are close by) and calls them and leads them to the hive. The honey badger then opens up the bee hive, and because of its thick fur is not stung by the bees. The Honey Badger eats the honey and was is left over is taken by the honey guide. This type of cooperation between two different species is called a mutualism – as both animals help each other mutually.
Honey badgers are awesome! They look pretty cute, but they’re not. Some people say they’re the meanest animal on earth. They can kill a snake…and eat it within 10 or 15 minutes!