because of the huge forces of gravity inside the black hole your, body will collapse into a single point (jnto a “singularity”). There will be no way out but some scientists believe that black holes could be gates for time travel or transfering to different dimensions. It is all very speculative but since the laws of nature will not apply inside a lot of things may be possible. Things that are impossible in the normal world.
I think whats very cool about black holes is that they are so powerful that not even light can escape – and this is why they are black. There is also a point that once you pass and get too close to the blackhole, you can never get back, even if you can move at the speed of light (the fastest anything can travel). This point is called “the event horizon”.
I’ve occasionally wondered about this myself and did some reading on it recently. As you fell into a black hole the force of gravity would stretch you out, so if you fell feet first, you would be stretched out from head to toe until you were like spaghetti! This is because of the enormous suction effect that black holes have. A few scientists made a video simulation of what it would look like if you fell into a black hole: http://www.newscientist.com/article/dn16885-what-would-it-look-like-to-fall-into-a-black-hole.html