• Question: when did you begin to like flimingos? and why?

    Asked by jadee to Eileen on 11 Nov 2012. This question was also asked by roisthebois, kelliemcconville, bigash2, shaunadavid.
    • Photo: Eileen Diskin

      Eileen Diskin answered on 11 Nov 2012:

      Well, it started when I had to pick an animal to do my research on. There were a few that I was trying to decide between, and then I realised that flamingos are so cool! First of all, they’re pink…and not many animals are pink. And they can stand on one leg…and not many animals can do that!

      Also, they live in cool places, which meant that I would be able to go visit them in nice places when I had to do my research – like in Spain, France, and Italy…where its nice and sunny, so my research was in some ways like a holiday! 😉
