I have. I went to a conference on nanomaterials in Beijing in 2008. It was brilliant. I met lots of other scientists that work in my field (nano-science: the science of extremely small materials – so small that they have really unusual properties (almost like superpowers)). I ate lots of good food and tagged on a holiday after the conference. Science is a great way to travel the world.
I went on holidays to Hong Kong and visited mainland China for one day. It was such a great place, and I would love to go back. I have a chinese student working with me at the moment and I hope he can stay on for another 3 years and continue to work with me and get a PhD degree. Its really nice to have people in my research group from different countries as I get to learn a lot about their culture. I would love to visit China with him as my guide, so hopefully he will invite me over some day!
Nope! I’ve never had the chance (or the money!) to go. Maybe one day when I’m not a PhD student anymore, and then I can save up some money. I really want to see the Great Wall of China, and taste some Chinese food (to see if it tastes like it does in the takeaways here – I bet its totally different!)
But most of all, I want to see the panda bears, which live in China. They are so cool! When baby pandas are born, they are VERRRRRY tiny – about the size of a stick of butter (and they weigh about the same as an iPhone!). I would LOVE to see them in China!
I saw some photos once, where zoo keepers had to dress up like pandas in order to give a check-up to the baby ones, to make sure they were healthy. (I guess so the baby pandas wouldnt get too used to seeing humans, and so they could be released when they grew up into the wild to behave like normal pandas!) It was hilarious! Here’s the link for the photos if you want to check them out: http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/gallery/2010/dec/06/panda-researchers-wear-panda-costume