Ideally I’d do one for you too! But I was surprised to find that science isn’t a required subject for primary school here, and primary schools often have less resources to teach something like science, especially if they want to do demos or have equipment for experiments. So I feel that getting primary school students exposed to nanoscience, even just a little, would be a good thing to do.
Great idea Jessamyn. It’s a crime that science wasn’t mandatory in primary schools until recently. Having gone to a school that taught science I was as surprised as you when I reached secondary and two thirds of the class hadn’t done any science at all!
Eleanor commented on :
Great idea Jessamyn. It’s a crime that science wasn’t mandatory in primary schools until recently. Having gone to a school that taught science I was as surprised as you when I reached secondary and two thirds of the class hadn’t done any science at all!
Adam commented on :
When I did science in primary school it didn’t really go any further than “This is a squirrel. This is not a squirrel.”
I think it’s gotten better now, but so much more needs to be done in Primary schools