Supported by SFI Discover Programme
Questions with the keyword 'career'
What is the best thing about your job
by Pop to Maureen
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How did you get into science
by 577nenp49 to Tiernan, Sonia, Mossy, Maureen, Bernard
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why did you become a scientist
by 225nenp36 to Maureen
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hi Maureen I was wondering when you first became a scientist
by 576nenp36 to Tiernan, Sonia, Mossy, Maureen, Bernard
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are you happy that you picked to be a scientists
by 374nenp36 to Tiernan, Sonia, Mossy, Maureen, Bernard
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Was it hard to be a scientist
by Neon green molaga to Mossy, Bernard
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dose this mean a lot to you
by sarahfsmg to Sonia
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what made you become a scientist?
by megan to Maureen
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How many years did it take you to learn about the brain ?
by 677nenp29 to Sonia
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I would like to ask what made you want to become a scientist
by 225nenp36 to Sonia
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