Supported by SFI Discover Programme
Questions with the keyword 'work'
What is your least favourite part of your job?
by TSM_PJ to Maureen
Comments: (So far, one comment )
Why do you like doing your job?
by 488nenp25 to Maureen
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I admire your dedication! Do you ever get burnt out by working so much?
by ÉmíNT16112004 to Mossy, Bernard
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Have you worked in a desert
by xxoconnorxx7 to Tiernan
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what exites you about your work?
by sliced bread to Tiernan, Sonia, Mossy, Maureen, Bernard
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Maureen i was from the chat if you remember so what did you find when you were mining?
by 657nenp32 to Maureen
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Do you like your job?
by bigladupdatown yup yup yu to Sonia, Mossy
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Why do you get wet a lot
by SaraMolaga to Tiernan
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where do you work and what are you doing at the moment
by TSM_Rhys to Tiernan, Sonia, Mossy, Maureen, Bernard
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What is the best discovery you have ever made?
by 836nenp26 and 1 other. to Sonia, Tiernan, Mossy, Maureen
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