I had a great teacher in secondary school who showed us all sorts of cool things about animals! We got to dissect a snake and it was so cool. I had so many questions and I got hooked on zoology. I can’t image working in anything else!
My Maths teacher: Charlie O’Connell. Fantastic man. Not just my favourite teacher but one of my favourite people ever. He showed me it was ok to love maths. but not loving maths was ok too. He was able to teach anyone.
I was always into science ever since my parents got me a set of books and tapes called how my body works. So I loved science and anatomy and everything to do with the body and how it worked. As a little kid I really wanted to be a vet. I also had a big interest in the way the brain works when my sister was born blind. It wasnt until I went to college and saw all the amazing science that was going on that I realised that I wanted to research brain development.