• Question: why do butterfly’s have different colors on there wings

    Asked by 496nenp43 to Sonia, Mossy, Maureen on 15 Nov 2018.
    • Photo: Sonia Lenehan

      Sonia Lenehan answered on 15 Nov 2018:

      I did not know the answer to this so I looked it up (by the way howstuffworks.com is a great website!!) this page explains it really well! https://animals.howstuffworks.com/insects/butterfly-colors.htm
      I love when I get to learn new things as well!

    • Photo: Maureen

      Maureen answered on 15 Nov 2018:

      It has to do with evolution! There are some colors that are better adapted to survival and others that aren’t as good for blending in. A neat example is copied below with peppered moths. The dark ones do well with dark trees and the light ones do better on light trees!

      There are two butterflies in each of these photos!
