• Question: Did you ever built a electronic gear or cog?

    Asked by grovious to Pierre on 9 Nov 2015.
    • Photo: Pierre Casaubielh

      Pierre Casaubielh answered on 9 Nov 2015:

      I have built in some projects some electronic equipment. I am giving you a little taste below.

      There was an electronic balance, where the mass of the person was displayed on the screen in kilogram. It was important to check the mass, to ensure it was corresponding to what was put on it.

      In High School, I also combined electronic components to build: battery charger / tester, with flashing LED’s when batteries were ready.
      In College, a control system was assemble to monitor the temperature and light in a room: it combined: temperature, wind and light sensors, screen displaying temperature and light level, wind strength. A parasol helped in controlling the light level, and then the temperature. However we had to consider that, If the wind was too high, it was not possible to deploy the parasol.

      For several years, I have been involved in Lego Robot Competition. The students were building various robots. A set of sensors helped, with logic control, to follow a defined track.

      Finally, last week I was building Lego devices that will be demonstrated this week during the Science Week: solar boat, wind turbine, water mill with an electric generator… all that with Lego… Such fun for me… and I will share this with schools 🙂 .

      Hope you liked my answers… please let me know if you want to give me any feedback or if you have any question.
