0 Question: Did you ever do any experiments at animals? Keywords: animal research, clinical research, experiment, trials Asked by Kornelia12345 to Irene, Uday, Chloe, NULL, Pierre on 7 Nov 2015. This question was also asked by Jessica, 485ntrd34, Noah, 452ntrd39, 797ntrd34, 852ntrd22.
Irene Regan answered on 7 Nov 2015:
No, I don’t use animals for any of my experiments. I usually use blood from people
NULL answered on 9 Nov 2015:
I did once, when I worked in a rat lab over a summer. We were studying rat brains, to see how certain chemicals damaged them.
I’m glad I don’t any more, now I work with people (and no, not damaging people’s brains with chemicals!)
Chloe Huseyin answered on 9 Nov 2015:
No, I get my poo samples from people.
Uday Bangavadi answered on 9 Nov 2015:
No, I don’t use any animals for my experiments.
Pierre Casaubielh answered on 10 Nov 2015:
No, I have never used animals in my experiments.
I have helped some people setting up an experiment to monitor seals motion… nothing was done on them (I do not think they saw us, but they were very cute to see in sea water)