I believe there is cure for everything its just we have to discover much more to find cure for the disease. During 1918 , Spanish Flu was the deadliest disease which took several million people. But now its curable. There was lot of research happened and they found solution to control and finally cure.
Recently there was that big outbreak of ebola in west Africa. There they rushed in some new drugs that seemed to work OK, but there were problems. The drugs hadn’t been proven to work yet, but they used them anyway because it was an emergency. And they are still very expensive and hard to make…
Hopefully now that people have been scared, there will be some money put in to fund scientists and doctors to develop those drugs properly, and prove that they work.
No not at the moment. Viruses are really tricky to cure because they can mutate so fast (and some other reasons too), so there is no cure for Ebola the same way there isn’t a cure for the flu.
One of the ways scientists might someday be able to cure Ebola is to make a vaccine and give it to everyone so that if you come into contact with Ebola you won’t actually catch it and get sick.
Another disease caused by a virus call polio used to infect, paralyse and kill thousands of people every year before a vaccine was developed in the 1950’s, now it’s very rare to hear of someone getting polio (in Ireland anyway) as most children get vaccinated against it as babies.