• Question: What car do you have?

    Asked by BossBob1234 to Chloe, Irene, Pierre, NULL, Uday on 13 Nov 2015.
    • Photo: NULL

      NULL answered on 13 Nov 2015:

      I don’t have a car! I live in Dublin, so the buses are really good, and I have a bike.

      I prefer not having a car because it avoids pollution, and also there’s no Carbon Dioxide being puffed out, which can cause global warming.

    • Photo: Chloe Huseyin

      Chloe Huseyin answered on 13 Nov 2015:

      I don’t have one! I walk or take the bus to get where I need to go 🙂

    • Photo: Irene Regan

      Irene Regan answered on 13 Nov 2015:

      I have a little Audi TT, and I love it 🙂

    • Photo: Uday Bangavadi

      Uday Bangavadi answered on 16 Nov 2015:

      I don’t have car here in cork.. I use bike which is eco-friendly.

    • Photo: Pierre Casaubielh

      Pierre Casaubielh answered on 17 Nov 2015:

      I do not have a car for the moment.
      (I used to have one but I spent a lot of time and money to repair it).

      I prefer to go cycling; it is ideal for a bit of exercise, have a breath, definitely much faster in city, user-friendly…
      The main source of energy is You, so you do not make any damage to the environment.
