0 Question: What happens when we sleep? Keywords: sleep Asked by mylastlife to Chloe, Irene, Pierre, NULL, Uday on 8 Nov 2015. This question was also asked by 733ntrd35, EMM3476.
Irene Regan answered on 8 Nov 2015:
I am not an expert on sleep even though I love a good sleep, but I have attached video to my front page, I love it !!!
NULL answered on 8 Nov 2015:
Our body relaxes, and part of our minds stays active. No one knows why, it’s one of the big mysteries left to find out!
Uday Bangavadi answered on 9 Nov 2015:
As you sleep, your entire body goes to rest. Your brain stays active but you clears all unwanted information which was acquired during day and retains important things. That is how we stay fresh mentally when we wake up from good sleep.
Chloe Huseyin answered on 10 Nov 2015:
I’ve never studied sleep so I can’t provide a detailed answer… We rest, we relax and well.. Some people snore 🙂
Pierre Casaubielh answered on 10 Nov 2015:
A lot of things happen… some strange chemicals make us go through different partial sleep… we can wake up sometimes, move and dream.
|I tend to sleep well, but my friends say that I am snoring like a trumpet sometimes.