• Question: What is your favourite video game?

    Asked by mylastlife to Chloe, Irene, Pierre, NULL, Uday on 8 Nov 2015. This question was also asked by darragh.
    • Photo: Irene Regan

      Irene Regan answered on 8 Nov 2015:

      I am so uncool and sad, I don’t really play video games. I use Apps a lot but not as cool as video games

    • Photo: NULL

      NULL answered on 8 Nov 2015:

      I like the latest Elite game, but I don’t get much time to play it…..

      Maybe it’s boring, but I play chess on my phone all the time – does that count as a video game? My phone tends to win….!

    • Photo: Uday Bangavadi

      Uday Bangavadi answered on 9 Nov 2015:

      Mario and Dave, Those are my two favourite video games. Wow it was so awesome when me and my brother used to fight to play video games. I am sure those two will be favourite for many others aswel.

    • Photo: Chloe Huseyin

      Chloe Huseyin answered on 10 Nov 2015:

      There are some cool games/apps here some people I work with made if you want to check them out http://microbemagic.ucc.ie/games.html

      I used to play a game called Pandemic (2 I think) you get to choose if you want to be a bacteria, virus or parasite and the idea is to make everyone sick.

    • Photo: Pierre Casaubielh

      Pierre Casaubielh answered on 10 Nov 2015:

      There are two game I like: “Dream City”, and “Diablo”. Two completely different games, however the first one gave me better understanding of how to run a city (without having all building burning and people strikes), and the second for adventure.
