I first because a scientist when I started working in a lab for the first time, and they sent me off to do something on my own, and I had to think for myself for the first time!
I always I imagined I was a scientist even in Post-Primary School and then I got to realise my dream when I started studying and then working. I was so proud the day I first put on my White Coat and I think I still love it!!
There is no definite line of control of starting being scientist. If you have love towards science and you always carve to do something new out of it… Bingo… you are the one….
Hmm, that’s a difficult one to answer.. I started my current job 2 years ago but I went to college to study science before that.
If you asked my mum she’d probably tell you I was always a scientist.. I had my own microscope when I was little and I used to buy science experiment kits with my pocket money.
I started being a scientist when I was a baby: i was discovering my world with open eyes, touching everything, doing things I should not be doing (putting fingers in the mouth). I then went to school started developing some knowledge in a bit everything, with as many questions you are asking us….
Everybody can be a scientist” in something.