Have you heard of Richard Feynman? He was a physicist who worked on inventing the Atomic bomb, but won the Nobel prize for some other work he did. He also was an expert lock-picker and played jokes on people by breaking into their safes and filing cabinets and leaving notes for them. He played the bongo drums, and learned to play in a samba band.
Mostly, just just loved physics, and loved explaining things to people in really simple ways, but very cleverly. I’m not sure I would have liked him much if I had ever met him, but I think he sounded like fun.
I would go with Thomas Alva Edison. Not because he invented Light Bulb but for his patience and continuous trials without loosing hope. He failed for several hundred time but still he took them as positive steps for success which finally made him inventing light bulb which is one of the remarkable inventions.
557ntrd48 commented on :
thanks but don’t know them