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The room is staffed throughout event hours, 9-5 on weekdays, but please be patient if you don't get an immediate answer. We're probably working hard in a zone (or making a cup of tea). You can only use the chat if you are logged in. If you can't use it then please email us: with your question.
My Answered Questions
simple trick question.How much dirt is there in a hole that measures two feet by three feet by four feet
when a bullet is fired from a gun, its fired at a very fast speed but after a while will lose the momentum or speed it
are there drugs out there that no one knows about that could seriously damage peoples health
what afects will cocaine have on your day to day life
when somebody starts to take drugs how is it that they get addicted and sometimes just cannot walk away from the drug
put a coin into an empty bottle and insert the cork into the neck how can u remove
What was the best thing you have ever discovered about the stars or Sapce
is there any chance that stars along way away are actually planets we could inhabit and if we continue to destroy the
is their any work under way to find a cure for AIDS that will actually cure it once and for all
do you like KFC