• Question: do you harm animals in your work

    Asked by THE GREAT MANGO to Gavin, Karen, Mark, Michel, Roisin on 10 Nov 2016.
    • Photo: Mark Kennedy

      Mark Kennedy answered on 10 Nov 2016:

      Nope! I don’t work with animals, I only work with telescopes and the Universe!

      Actually, one of the telescopes I work on (the Large Binocular Telescope) is built in a squirrel reserve ontop of Mount Graham International Observatory. When we observe there, we have to help look after the squirrels, and make sure they live in peace. So if anything, I help them 🙂

    • Photo: Karen

      Karen answered on 10 Nov 2016:


    • Photo: Michel Destrade

      Michel Destrade answered on 10 Nov 2016:

      No, I haven’t so far. I used pigs brains and pigs skin for my experiments, but it was from pigs that had been killed at the slaughterhouse for food. The brains and the skin were going into the bin, so I asked for some.

    • Photo: Roisin Jones

      Roisin Jones answered on 13 Nov 2016:

      No, I don’t use any animals in my work. I do produce compounds which are sent for biological testing, however, this usually involves bacteria on agar plates rather than larger animals such as mice or rabbits. If a compound I produced was active enough it might eventually progress to testing at this stage, however this hasn’t happened yet and may never happen!
