• Question: where do fruit get their potassium from

    Asked by j341c to Gavin, Karen, Mark, Michel, Roisin on 13 Nov 2016.
    • Photo: Karen

      Karen answered on 13 Nov 2016:

      Hiya ,
      Fruit get their potassium from the soil particularly fertilised soil. Typically fertiliser consists of nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus compounds.
      Common fruits that are high in potassium are bananas ?, kiwis, coconuts ? and avocados.

    • Photo: Roisin Jones

      Roisin Jones answered on 13 Nov 2016:

      As Karen said, fruit gets it’s potassium (along with other minerals) from the soil that it’s grown in. Plants absorb water via their roots, and this water is rich in minerals and nutrients from the surrounding soil. The plants then produce fruit, and the minerals absorbed by the soil are built into the fruit.

    • Photo: Mark Kennedy

      Mark Kennedy answered on 14 Nov 2016:

      I’m going to agree with Karen and Roisin here. Their answers are oK.

