• Question: why do people get addicted to drugs?

    Asked by eva to Karen on 7 Nov 2016.
    • Photo: Karen

      Karen answered on 7 Nov 2016:

      Hi Eva.
      There are many factors involved in why people become addicted to drugs such as their genetic makeup, environmental and psychological factors. At a cell biology level i.e. what is going on in each cell, different types of drugs bind to specific receptors found throughout the body. By binding the receptors (e.g. dopamine receptors) the cells send a signal to the brain (neurotransmisson) which initially creates a positive feeling e.g. feelings of happiness, relaxation, euphoria and may work as an analgesic (pain killer).
      However with continued drug use the receptors and the individual up a sort of “resistance” to the drugs and more and more of the drug is needed to have the same effect. So there becomes somewhat of a vicious circle of addiction …the more drugs you take the more you need…
      Why some people are more susceptible to becoming addicts is also due to genetics and socioeconomic factors (if all your friends and peers are taking drugs then you are more likely to or if drug taking is seen as the normal then why not…)
      Most recreational drugs probably feel great to begin with, otherwise why would anyone take them but the harm is when you become physically addicted to them (your body is so used to having the drug that it cannot function without it) and get horrendous withdrawal symptoms or you become so dependant on drugs that you cannot function without them.
