The number of discovered planets increases everyday as scientists continue to discover more and more. However, the number of planets discovered so far is 4,301 planets and it is continuously updated. You can check out the following website where NASA updates it as they discover new planets!
Well the solar system has 8 planets for sure! Pluto doesn’t count anymore 🙁
There might be some extra ones that are way father away from the sun that we can’t see. There is a hypothetical planet 9 that people think is there base on the orbits of comments.
From the telescope surveys of the galaxy its probably safe to assume that every star has at least a few planets.
According to Erik Zackrisson, an astrophysicist at Uppsala University in Sweden, based upon our understanding of the universe and the laws of physics, there should be about
Duncan commented on :
According to Erik Zackrisson, an astrophysicist at Uppsala University in Sweden, based upon our understanding of the universe and the laws of physics, there should be about