• Question: I too am very interested in the brain. How long will it take for you to understand the brain?

    Asked by MichaelM to Malgorzata on 10 Nov 2020.
    • Photo: Malgorzata Dabrowska

      Malgorzata Dabrowska answered on 10 Nov 2020:

      Hello MichaelM,

      It’s amazing that you are also interested in brain! Do you have something particular that is interesting for you? The very basic understanding of the brain is not that complicated. During my 3 years of bachelor I was able to understand the “big picture” and start connecting facts and start thinking “creatively” about everything what connected to the brain topic. After this time I had to choose some more specific part and I’m still digging in it and learning new thing almost every day! This is being a scientist: you are learning constantly new things what is making your work never boring! It is completely different way of learning than the one at school. I can promise it’s way nicer and very enjoyable, because you are learning about something what interests you the most 🙂
