• Question: If giant bugs exist would we live?

    Asked by free49far on 23 Nov 2020.
    • Photo: Duncan Wallace

      Duncan Wallace answered on 23 Nov 2020: last edited 23 Nov 2020 11:27 pm

      Yes, easily.

      Bugs are designed to be small. If you made a bug the size of an elephant it would be unable to do anything. It turns out you need a particular physiology to be big, like having lungs (which bugs don’t have). Back in the early period of the Earth there was more Oxygen for a while, which allowed insects to become bigger, but today an enormous insect would find it very difficult to move, and would probably suffocate.

    • Photo: Danny Hnatyshin

      Danny Hnatyshin answered on 25 Nov 2020:

      Yup we would be fine since the way they are designed they cannot evolve to get too giant! They breath very differently than us (through a process called diffusion) which doesn’t allow them to get that big!
