• Question: Is there a fourth dimension?

    Asked by away49kay on 5 Nov 2020.
    • Photo: Mohammed Taj-Eldin

      Mohammed Taj-Eldin answered on 5 Nov 2020: last edited 5 Nov 2020 3:10 pm

      Hi away49kay,

      Yes, scientists have described a four-dimensional cube, for example with a step-by-step generalization of the properties of lines, squares, and cubes.
      The geometry of four-dimensional space is much more complex than that of three-dimensional space and it is explained in the following video:

    • Photo: Danny Hnatyshin

      Danny Hnatyshin answered on 11 Nov 2020:

      In physics we consider time a dimension! Dimensions in this context just mean that we talk about different directions (left vs right, up vs. down, forward vs backward, past vs future). Whether there are any more dimensions to be discovered is still an open question!
