• Question: What in particular did you want to study in science?

    Asked by Callum.M on 9 Nov 2020. This question was also asked by OCarroll28, Miah.
    • Photo: Marcello Valente

      Marcello Valente answered on 9 Nov 2020:

      Dear Callum,
      I would love to work on mutations to enhance human health

    • Photo: Greta Monacelli

      Greta Monacelli answered on 11 Nov 2020:

      I am studying mathematics and human behaviour at the same time, which are both things I am passionate about. Also, I get to study both using games, which I always enjoy.

    • Photo: Lara Codeca

      Lara Codeca answered on 19 Nov 2020:

      The large scale impact of human behavior on traffic optimizations in smart cities.
