The long answer: Although an average person could do plenty of things to save energy including better insulation in the work/home environment, or using energy-efficient electronic devices and plenty of sophisticated research is done by thousands of researchers on finding ways to improve energy efficiency of the things we use, the reality is you could save lots of energy by doing simple things. For example, buying things less frequently, not throwing away electronics or furniture that could be repaired, socks or slippers that could be fixed.
The best way to save energy is to use less of it!
However, using high efficiency electronics, for example LED lights, or look for high efficiency ratings on things that you buy. A big energy sink is also heating homes, so putting on warmer clothes rather than keeping your home at a higher temperature is a great way to save energy! Those are some of the easy things you can do at home
Producing less waste or travelling less in cars or planes are larger scale things that can help society save energy.