• Question: What is the most effective thing a 12 year old could do to combat climate change

    Asked by sure49dap on 24 Nov 2020.
    • Photo: Marcello Valente

      Marcello Valente answered on 24 Nov 2020:

      Dear Sure49dap,
      the best thing you can do it’s to ask about this kind of argument, dedicate some time to study it and then focus on the problems or source of environment damage around you that you can change in a better way.

    • Photo: Danny Hnatyshin

      Danny Hnatyshin answered on 25 Nov 2020:

      I think just communicate and educate to your family and friends about climate change. We can’t fix it if people do not know why or how it is a issue for the planet! By spreading it to them it can start a chain reaction to more and more people!
