• Question: What is you’re faviroute animal

    Asked by rorimolaga44peep on 21 Nov 2020. This question was also asked by DeirdreT.
    • Photo: Danny Hnatyshin

      Danny Hnatyshin answered on 21 Nov 2020:

      I like penguins! They look cool and live in Antarctica! So double cool

    • Photo: Marcello Valente

      Marcello Valente answered on 21 Nov 2020:

      Easly I can say dogs but also monkeys because I love smart animals that have some form of society.

    • Photo: Lara Codeca

      Lara Codeca answered on 23 Nov 2020:

      I love mantis shrimps!
      Check them out: look for their vision, their strength, and how colorful they are!
