• Question: why arent we being crushed by the sky if it weighs 6.6kg per square inch?

    Asked by Jamie W. on 26 Nov 2020.
    • Photo: Duncan Wallace

      Duncan Wallace answered on 26 Nov 2020:

      We are being crushed, but we are built to withstand this crushing power, in the same way that deep sea fish are designed to withstand far, far heavier weights (the entire ocean and sky above them). The consequence of this though is that if you move to an environment without the same pressure then it can be very dangerous (deep sea fish tend to die instantly if brought to the surface because they weren’t built to withstand an environment with such relatively low pressure). Similarly for humans, without atmospheric pressure you would also die. Furthermore, atmospheric pressure is what allows birds and planes to stay in the sky. You would find flying an airplane on Mars impossible because it has so little atmosphere to hold up any flying object.

    • Photo: Danny Hnatyshin

      Danny Hnatyshin answered on 26 Nov 2020:

      My understanding is that differences in pressure are what is important. The air and fluids inside our bodies push out with the same force so there is essentially not pressure difference, hence we don’t get crushed! Random fact! We breath by bringing our lungs at a slightly lower pressure allowing air to rush in because the outside air pressure would be higher!
