• Question: wats your greatest achievement

    Asked by btw to Mike, Julio, Jaine, Dave, Annette on 10 Nov 2016.
    • Photo: Jaine Blayney

      Jaine Blayney answered on 10 Nov 2016:

      Thanks for your question. My greatest achievement workwise, was when I developed lab models that are representative of how cancers grow in humans. We use models of tumours in our lab so that we can look at how certain tumours respond to different drugs. That way we can figure out what is the best treatment to give to different patients. I developed a method to allow biologists to select the best lab models for certain types of tumours. It is being used now.

      Outside of work, my biggest achievement was performing a solo dance at an arts festival. Terrifying, but very proud that I did it!

      What do you feel most proud of?

    • Photo: Annette Neill

      Annette Neill answered on 11 Nov 2016:

      My greatest achievement was finishing my Masters in Coleraine
