
David McKeown
Well that was great! Well done Paul!
I went to school in Oatlands College and spent my college years in University College Dublin
Bachelor of Engineering & PhD in Mechanical Engineering
Current Job:
Research Engineer in UCD working on a contract for the European Space Agency.
My Typical Day
Making computer models of spacecraft so I can practice ways of repositioning them without destroying them. People get angry when you crash real space craft so you have to be careful
What I'd do with the prize money
I want to build a computer game in a table top which you can play by moving your chair around. No meal will ever be boring again! It would be a interactive piece for Dublin mini maker Faire (, which I help organise. The Fair is about celebrating people who make cool things and is free for everyone to attend.The table would be an interactive piece in the picnic area, so people could play games while they took a break. It would use the tilt of the chairs people are sitting on as the controller, making use of the snazzy new sensors technologies you might find in things like your phone.
My Interview
How would you describe yourself in 3 words?
Floating through Space
What did you want to be after you left school?
An Engineer
Were you ever in trouble at school?