• Question: How did you have to adapt after Covid-19 restrictions were put in place? How was you research affected and do you see things getting better or worse in the future?

    Asked by CianF to Alan on 18 Nov 2021.
    • Photo: Alan McGibney

      Alan McGibney answered on 18 Nov 2021:

      Covid-19 meant working from home and not being in the office, this was challenging because research is all about communication and having interaction with others, bouncing ideas off each other etc. It also meant I could not travel which is a big part of my job.
      Not being able to meet other researchers from across Europe that work with us was hard and slowed down progress on some aspects. Overall the research continued as before and while Covid meant we are more connected online, its also means it is hard to switch off at home.. hope this improves in the future.. balance is key
