• Question: is water power sustainable energy. i thought you might know Phillip. thank Phillip

    Asked by free46can to Philip on 8 Nov 2019.
    • Photo: Philip Schuler

      Philip Schuler answered on 8 Nov 2019:

      Calling something “sustainable” is tricky because to be sustainable, something must be ecologically, economically and socially sound. Now how to judge…

      For example, if you want to build a reservoir or dam by flooding an area where either people have lived or perhaps there is important wildlife, than surely it is not sustainable. Also, building a dam is a massive distortion of the ecosystem of the affected river and its fish and all sorts of animals. Further, if the flooded area was vegetated, the rising water level will basically kill of the plants, and so green house gases will be emitted.

      I guess at the end of the day, the question is what are the alternatives to generate energy. However, I strongly disagree with a statement that hydro power is sustainable, without clarification of the way how this popwer is or was generated. That’s my opinion at least.
      Hope that helps?
