• Question: even if you get stressed how do you cope with it all ?

    Asked by anon-41525 on 25 Nov 2022.
    • Photo: Vincent Monchal

      Vincent Monchal answered on 25 Nov 2022:

      Good question, I just take few minutes and think on an external point of view on what I am doing. Then I decompose it in few steps to get to my objective. Then I just think about something nice, like a good memory. Finally I just do the first step and do one step after another until I make it.

    • Photo: Ingmar Schoen

      Ingmar Schoen answered on 25 Nov 2022:

      I don’t get easily stressed, but if I do, I try to keep focus, convince myself that I can handle it, and work on the tasks at hand because I know from experience that it will be better in a few days.

    • Photo: Vanessa Rodrigues

      Vanessa Rodrigues answered on 26 Nov 2022:

      This was advice I got from a senior and I’m just passing it on.
      Deadlines for assignments keep on coming in waves. You just have to take it each day at a time, one step at a time instead on worrying about reaching a finish line.

    • Photo: Anna Desmond

      Anna Desmond answered on 28 Nov 2022:

      I take 3 deep breaths and organise my schedule to what has to be done on that day and only do that if I have time leftover I might start something else but I only take one day at a time.

    • Photo: Muhammad Farhan Khan

      Muhammad Farhan Khan answered on 30 Nov 2022:

      With support from friends

    • Photo: Cristina Cuesta Marti

      Cristina Cuesta Marti answered on 30 Nov 2022:

      Trying to keep a work-life balance, find time for your hobbies, your friends, your family, but always finding time for you!

    • Photo: Ciara Buckley

      Ciara Buckley answered on 1 Dec 2022:

      It’s important to have hobbies and a good work life balance. There will always be hard times and times where you are up all night trying to complete something by a deadline. But if you have hobbies it’s a great way to step away from the stress for 5 minutes and clear your mind. Also, I find being prepared really helps. I don’t leave anything to the last minute and I always have a backup plan- this way I can try avoid as much stress as possible!

    • Photo: Simon Sorensen

      Simon Sorensen answered on 1 Dec 2022:

      Great question! I like being busy but it can be too much. Sometimes it’s important to take a deep breath and remember that it’s just work. We need to talk openly about stress – your colleagues and friends are there to help and support you. Hobbies and friends outside work are super important too. I personally use running for headspace.
