
Simon Sorensen
Primary and high school in Denmark. Studied physics at Aarhus University (Denmark), Utrecht University (NL) and Technical University of Denmark
Danish high school diploma. BSc, MSc and PhD in Applied Physics
Work History:
I've worked as product development engineer building laser systems. I then became a physics researcher and I'm now a senior researcher in biophotonics.
Current Job:
Senior researcher
Tyndall National Institute
About Me
I'm a Dane living in Ireland. I'm curious about how things work, love running up big hills and bake a mean sourdough bread.
My pronouns are
My Work
I use light to view and analyse tissue. This can help doctors detect and cure diseases.
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Light is incredible. In my research, I use light to view and analyse tissue. As an example, we are working to diagnose diseases, such as cancer, by shining visible or invisible (near-infrared) light onto living skin or other tissue.
I work as a senior reseacher in the BioPhotonics group in Tyndall.
My attributes
My Typical Day
Coffee, lab work, emails, meetings. Repeat.
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I’m typically at work from 8.30 to 17. I spend most of my day in meetings and at the computer. Research requires a lot of collaboration and it’s my responsibility to manage research projects and give updates to our collaborators. I also get to travel abroad to meetings and conferences, this year I’ve been to Finland and the Netherlands. Some days I work in the lab with our students. The best thing about research is that we get to solve problems that can make a huge difference.
What I'd do with the prize money
I would support the biophotonics outreach kit that has been developed in the group
My Interview
What or who inspired you to follow your career?
My teachers, family and friends. I never planned my career but followed the opportunities that presented themselves.
What did you want to be after you left school?
Were you ever in trouble at school?
If you weren't doing this job, what would you choose instead?
I'd be building things, maybe carpentry.
Who is your favourite singer or band?
What's your favourite food?
What is the most fun thing you've done?
Move abroad
Tell us a joke.
What do you call 2 birds stuck together? Velcrows.