These scientists have highlighted themselves as having 'Patient' characteristics:
Siobhán O'Flaherty
My Work: 👩🏻🔬 I am a peptide chemist studying for a PhD in RCSI University of Medicine and Health Sciences in Dublin, Ireland ☘️
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Hello Siobhan. I am wondering, what other peptides do you make? Regards, (redacted).Latest Comment:
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Siobhán Power
My Work: I'm a geologist. I work mainly in science education and science communication now but my research background is on tectonics, and metamorphic and...
Jill O'Sullivan
My Work: I'm a PhD student and my work involves analyzing data which has been generated from the different bacteria present in our gut!
Alvaro de Medeiros
My Work: My work is to study and improve the wireless communication between robots and other elements of the industrial environment.
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What was your favourite thing to do as a childLatest Comment:
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