No, I didn’t! When I was in secondary school I wanted to be a writer or study art or fashion until I started studying for my Leaving Certificate and really fell in love with biology. I still wasn’t sure whether I wanted to do art or science in college, but then I realised I can still do art and make clothes at home at the same time as studying science!
No, I wanted to be a soccer player or a carpenter when I was in school but the more I learned about biology the more I was interested in it and so I decided to study biology in university (when I finished secondary school) and became a scientist from there.
Nope, I wanted to be an english teacher because that was my favourite subject in school. I decided to do science in college because I liked biology in leaving cert. When I got to college, I didn’t like it at first, but by the end of first year I knew it was what I wanted to do!
When I was younger I wanted to work in the art industry!
When i was in secondary school, my favourite subject was biology and i fell in love with microbiology, I knew then that was the course I wanted to study in university.
What I like about my course and being a scientists is that you can combine art and science together. This can be seen in scientific posters, drawings, videos and presentations
At first I remember really wanting to be a pilot because I wanted to travel the world. But then I remember wanting to work with and study animals so in a way I did want to be a zoologist which is a type of scientist, just not the field I am now conducting my research in.