• Question: what do you find interesting about your job?

    Asked by Tree to Sheila, Piyush, Natalia, Gary, Dimitar on 5 Nov 2018. This question was also asked by Maebh66.
    • Photo: Natalia

      Natalia answered on 5 Nov 2018:

      The most interesting part of my job is to confirm my assumptions…As a scientist, we have some guesses about how things work. Then we start a research to confirm or reject our hypotheses. Sometimes we confirm but sometimes not. So I see this part like a game to test if our guesses make sense or not in the real world! In my opinion, this is the most interesting part of being a scientist.

    • Photo: Dimitar Shterionov

      Dimitar Shterionov answered on 5 Nov 2018:

      In my job I need to work with many people – some are scientists on the same topic as me, some are from completely different area; others are business men and women, or teachers, and others. What I really like is that when we work together I learn so much and we can create great things together.
